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All about

Open Badges

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the training module Open Badge 101

What is an Open Badge ?

An Open Badge is simply an image in which information is contained! It is used by communities of practice, organisations or individuals to recognise (or claim) a skill, a know-how, a know-how to be, a participation, a role, an achievement, a commitment, a contribution, a project or an interest.

So, and what’s next?

Mapping of Open Badge projects, actors and collectives (actually in France)

The Open Recognition Alliance accompanies and federates the actors and projects of open recognition on the territories.

You can consult the projects already located on the map and also share your own by filling in a form using the “Add a place” button.

Enrich its reflection on the use of Open Badges

Meet and join a community of actors and recognition project leaders

Join or support the Open Recognition Alliance

Acting together to open recognition

The Open Recognition Alliance brings together individual and collective actors – all around the world – who want to build an open and learning society, based on the recognition of the talents, skills and aspirations of individuals, communities and territories.

(Partie 1/3 du code pour obtenir le badge “Curiosity” : umis)

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Open Badges

pathway and gain expertise!

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Site powered by Reconnaître – Open Recognition Alliance.